Greenlight Admin - Managing Rooms

Server Rooms

Through the Server Rooms tab, Administrators are able to view all of the Greenlight rooms that have been created.

Greenlight Administrator Server Rooms


As an administrator, there are a variety of options available to you with regards to interacting with a user’s room. You can view all options by clicking the Room Dropdown.

Tab Description
View Allows the administrator to join the room in the same way that any other user joins the room.
Start Allows the administrator to manually start and join the room, even if it is not already running.
Room Settings Allows the administrator to make changes to the room settings.
Delete Allows the administrator to manually delete an unwanted room. Home Rooms can not be deleted
Greenlight Administrator Server Rooms Options


The search box can be used to filter based on the Name, Owner, or Id of any room.


It is possible to sort rooms by metrics such as Name, Owner, or Id.

This can be done by clicking on the headers of the table (cycles through ascending, descending, and no particular order):